From Doubt to Inspiration: The Page of Wands & Eclipse Season

Meredyth Masterson
6 min readApr 20, 2023
Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

There’s a good reason that many institutions take a week off around this time for spring break. We’ve put a lot of energy into the year already, but we’re just at the beginning of our growth cycle. If you’ve felt the need to recharge, you’re not alone.

The burst of energy we saw in early spring is settling, so that we may sustain what’s now been launched. You don’t need to hold any belief in the Zodiac or the Moon’s cycles to feel this pull to slow down. Perhaps that’s why learning about the Zodiac and the Moon can bolster confidence in your inner wisdom…

On Friday April 20th we will shift from the cardinal fire sign of Aries and The Emperor card, into the fixed earth sign of Taurus and The Hierophant.

As the initiator of the Zodiac, Aries wants to make bold, creative, and energy-intensive moves. As we move into Taurus, we’re inclined to stabilize our ambitions with comfort and security.

We entered Aries season with a New Moon in Aries on March 21st, and we’ll end it after a second New Moon on April 19th. This second New Aries Moon will will be coupled with a hybrid solar eclipse.

Eclipses are fairly common. Whenever we have a solar eclipse, it always occurs about two weeks before or after a lunar eclipse, hence “eclipse season”. This…



Meredyth Masterson

I write about tarot, life, and I offer Moon manifestation rituals from a joy-informed perspective