Your Passport to an Endless Summer with the Four of Swords

Meredyth Masterson
10 min readAug 16, 2023
Photo by Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Today we welcome a Full Super Moon in Aquarius, and that means the last weeks of summer and August are here.

Perhaps you’re going on a vacation, or maybe you’re already back into the school year. The end of summer can feel bitter-sweet, and it’s often tinged with regret. I know for myself it’s historically been the case that summer is over in a blink of an eye, and I’m left wondering why I didn’t go camping, or even to the beach.

For most of us, it’s not easy to relax, even when we’re off the clock. Planning a vacation can be stressful, but even more than that, taking time away from work and other responsibilities can kick up feelings of guilt, anxiety, and fear. Our brains are constantly bombarding us with to-do lists, future worries, and noise.

We know that rest is fundamental for our health, but we can experience anxiety and guilt just for taking a nap. In order to work with our minds’ tendency to overload, we can call upon the wisdom of the Four of Swords for support.

As we stretch out into these last weeks of August, I want to share how the Four of Swords card can provide you with a structure to enjoy a guilt-free vacation, a restorative night’s sleep, or simply a quiet walk outside.



Meredyth Masterson
Meredyth Masterson

Written by Meredyth Masterson

I write about tarot, life, and I offer Moon manifestation rituals from a joy-informed perspective

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