PinnedMeredyth MastersonGuaranteed Safety: Healing with The Star, and Re-parenting with the Six of CupsWe’re about to embark on the Lunar New Year.Feb 9Feb 9
PinnedMeredyth MastersonHalloween’s Transformational Sacred Costuming:How Your Halloween Costume Can Help You Re-Imagine YourselfOct 24, 2023Oct 24, 2023
PinnedMeredyth MastersonWhen the Impossible Becomes the Inevitable: Saying ‘Yes’ to The FoolApril Fool’s day is a chance to explore the Tarot card The Fool and how taking a leap with The Fool sets us on our soul’s journeyApr 1, 2023Apr 1, 2023
PinnedMeredyth MastersonNavigating Anger with CourageHow Leo’s Cards Strength and the Five of Wands Can Help Us Explore Anger, Boundaries, and AuthenticityAug 19, 20224Aug 19, 20224
PinnedMeredyth MastersonMoon Manifestation 101Tomorrow morning at 11:38am PT July’s full ‘Buck Moon” will be at its peak fullness, so we can expect to enjoy the energy of this Full Moon…Jul 13, 20225Jul 13, 20225
Meredyth MastersonIf Tarot Can’t Predict the Future, Why Bother?Better than predicting the future, Tarot can support you in the now!2d ago2d ago
Meredyth MastersonDitch the Guidebook: How to Intuitively Read TarotWhen I began my Tarot journey, it was because I thought the Tarot was neat and it might be fun. That is all that anyone needs to begin…Sep 3Sep 3
Meredyth MastersonYour Passport to an Endless Summer with the Four of SwordsToday we welcome a Full Super Moon in Aquarius, and that means the last weeks of summer and August are here.Aug 19Aug 19
Meredyth MastersonThe Seven of Swords: You Are EnoughYou could never be too much or not enough. You are not separate from love, you are it. You lack nothing here in the now.Jul 21Jul 21
Meredyth MastersonFeeling the Squeeze: Cultivating Abundance with the King of PentaclesThe King of Pentacles is a card that helps us cultivate abundance and growth even in times of scarcity.May 10May 10